Stoke a Resilient Mindset with These 4 Words

Stoke a Resilient Mindset with These 4 Words

We are homing in on a resilient mindset today, and I want to focus on a visual.


Diamonds are beautiful, but many only focus on that shiny end product.

Thomas Carlyle said, “No pressure, no diamonds,” and I think those four words speak volumes.

So many forget that diamonds take extreme heat, extreme pressure, and billions of years to form. Once formed, they are one of the hardest substances on earth.

I like this visual because achieving the results, success, and best version of yourself requires something similar: trial, difficulty, and time. And if embraced, this process can help develop the strongest version of yourself.

Overnight Success?

I think it’s easy in today’s world to get caught up in the “overnight” success stories, but most of those stories are only that in appearance.

Almost all successful people have sacrificed, endured setbacks, and persevered through wins, losses, and everything in between to reach their level of success.

Unfortunately, too many buy-in to the lie that success and results come easy or that it’s just out there for you to grab.

Little effort, little investment, and boom!, the results you want.

Whether it’s body transformation, financial success, or social status, the “promise” of quick results and enormous buy-in is widespread.

Can you name someone who worked out once, ate healthy one day and transformed their body into an idyllic specimen?

How about someone who invested money in a stock with one transaction and became multi-millionaires?

Can you name someone who posted only one photo or video and became an instant influencer?

Probably not. Does it happen? Sure, but the odds are similar to winning the lottery.

My point is if you want to reach your full potential, prepare yourself for hardship, setbacks, and a long haul. Frame your mind to expect it so you are ready to embrace it and use it to propel yourself forward as it inevitably comes.

Embrace the Struggle: the Resilient Mindset

Improving your health and fitness will sometimes be uncomfortable, tedious, and downright painful. You will have to break old habits and form new ones. You will have to push yourself beyond what’s comfortable. It will be time-consuming, as physiological adaptations take consistency to occur and will require sacrifice. That may mean eating fewer calories or eating more foods that may not be as satisfying as others. It may mean making choices to prioritize rest and recovery.

Of course, it’s not all negative, and there will also be great enjoyment, satisfaction, and improvements you’ll experience across multiple aspects of your life.

What’s important is to acknowledge the reality, the inevitable highs, and lows, so you can be proactive and prepare for what’s in store.

Resilient Mindset: Diamond Development

Further, diamonds are made up of one element: carbon. If I had to pick one element that contributes to our “diamond development,” it would be… grit.

In psychology, grit is characterized by perseverance and passion for achieving long-term goals, meaning you work incessantly to overcome challenges and maintain a commitment to your cause despite setbacks, plateaus, or failure.

Some studies even suggest that it may be more important than intelligence regarding high achievement.


But grit is not easy. You must work for it. As I stated earlier, you must frame your mind into a resilient mindset. Expect the journey to be challenging, so you are ready to embrace it and find ways to keep an upward trajectory. 


Renew your resolve daily.

Develop grit.

Establish a resilient mindset.

Pressure and time will have their day, but like diamonds, they can mold you into the best version of yourself.


Next time you are struggling, consider those four words mentioned earlier: “no pressure, no diamonds” to help establish that resilient mindset.

These words have become like a mantra to me. I say them during difficult training sessions. I say them during stressful, overwhelming times in my life. They help center me and remind me of my resilient mindset.

There is great satisfaction when you reflect on what you overcame to achieve what you did, and you’ll have a deeper appreciation for your success and who you’ve become through the process. And the best part- sharing that and inspiring others to do the same. 

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I look forward to chatting with you next time!

Take care of yourselves, and remember, wherever you are, keep moving.

Check out other episode’s show notes and graphics!

Connect with Pete on Instagram: @pete.rohleder

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